
At AllRide, we prioritize the security and privacy of our customers' data. Our comprehensive data security measures ensure that your sensitive information is protected at all times. Here’s an overview of how we handle data security:

Product security

All our products are secure by design, where every change and feature in our products goes through secure coding guidelines, code analyzer tools, vulnerability scanners, and manual review processes. Our robust security framework provides functionalities to mitigate threats. Our employees think "security first" and we incorporate security into our entire software development process.

Data security

Our framework ensures that each customer's data is logically separated from other customers' data. Furthermore, we provide encryption at rest as well as in transit to protect our customers' data. Data retention and backup happens in a secure manner.


Our disaster recovery and business continuity programs help us provide you with high availability utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) to ensure the resilience and availability of critical systems and data. By leveraging AWS's robust infrastructure, we ensure swift recovery and minimal downtime in the event of a disaster, thereby safeguarding the integrity and availability of its data and services.

Operational security

We have a robust logging and monitoring system to ensure clean and secure traffic through our servers. We use intrusion detection and prevention systems to ensure protection and prevent misuse of our infrastructure. We use a combination of certified third-party scanning tools and in-house tools to manage vulnerabilities.

What we offer

- Encryption at rest

- Encryption in transit

- Role-based access controls

- Logging, auditing and monitoring features

- Features to enhance privacy of personal data

Data Security at AllRide

We understand, scrutinize, and evaluate each third-party service that may handle your data, through risk assessments and periodic reviews.We have a dedicated team that runs the privacy program through standard practices like performing Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA), Internal audits, and providing awareness and training to our employees. For any question on security Contact Us

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