Your Step-By-Step Guide To Limo App Development
A limousine isn’t a car that you can purchase straight from the showroom and put it in business. It is your creativity, an expectation out of a car, which serves as guidelines for limo manufacturers in building one for you. If you want your efforts, investment in the limo renting business to get monetized effectively, then limo app development is what you need.
On this verge of digitization, where all basic needs of humans are approximately getting fulfilled through an app, luxury like limo ride can never stay backstopped. 53% of limousine owners have reported that they have lost their business due to the presence of Uber. This fact is enough to illustrate the fact that a limo app is very mandatory to up-scale your business, as Uber too utilized this strategy.
As you are thinking of the Limo rental business, you should know that it is not for all categories of riders. This confines your target customer category to the business class who can afford a thousand dollar hourly ride on your limo. Now as you are going to target a special class of customers, you must plan your venture for which this article is going to be your guide.
How To Plan Limo App Development?
Planning is the most important prerequisite for the initiation, continuity, and sustenance of your business. The following are a few points that you can never afford to avoid if you are seeking growth in your limo rental business.
Market Research
If you are going to start your limo rental business, you must know the market before leaping in with some plan. If you are already in the business, you must analyze the market more closely. Your research and analysis report must comprise plans and activities of your competitors, user preference, and future prospects of the limousine rental trade.
Prepare Business Plan
Now as you have done the market research and are aware of the ins and outs of the trade and industry, make a plan which fits the best in it. Your business plan should be potential enough to stand strong all types of challenges with alternatives to cope with adverse situations. Take the example of Uber & Lyft, who are the current biggies of the vehicle rental and car-sharing industry.
Related Read: Beat Uber/Lyft With These 9 Advanced Features In Your Taxi App
Come up with Something Unique
Investment alone can never make your business successful unless it is backed up with some unique idea. You can bring up uniqueness in your business delivery process or in the limo rental app itself. Analyze the pain points of your target customers and come up with an idea to solve those which your competitors are lacking to do.
Know the Technical Aspects
Now, as you are done with a major part of the market research and ideation portion, you must focus on the technical aspects of the limo software. If you are the developer then it is needless to say, but if not, you must have a clear understanding of the technical viability of your idea. You must know what should be the limo app features to support your idea and business model.
Plan The Features You Need
Features of your limo software are the tools that can engage your users and limo chauffeurs in the process of getting associated with your business. Analyze in what way you can digitize your business plan so that all its aspects are covered by the app features.
Prepare your Finances
By now, you are done with all your research, planning, and technical analysis. Now it is the time that you get into the budgeting process and prepare your funds for investment. Take proper estimation from reputed limo app development companies like AllRide for fruitful utilization of your investment funds.
Hire The Best App Development Team
It is the app development team that can judge the feasibility of your idea and make its implementation practically possible. You should get in touch with a reliable and technically advanced limo app development team to get maximum benefit. Ensure that starting from development and testing, they provide you with free support and maintenance as well.
Features to attract Users to your Limo Software
Your limo software must be a well synced and coordinated amalgamation of the user app, chauffeurs’ app, and admin panel. All these app panels are interlinked with each other and monitorable from the admin panel. Let us have a close look at the most essential features of these apps and the admin panel.
Limo User App
The limo user panel is specifically customized for the users for easy booking of a limousine. Check out the list of features available under the user app:
Instant booking facility
The user app must have the feature to trace the nearest available limo and generate an order for its booking at the user’s request. The process must be simple and convenient for the user to book a limo.
Real-time Limo Tracking
The user must be able to track the limo booked for his or her ride on a real-time basis. Your app must have accurate GPS tracker functionality to make this possible and make the user comfortable while waiting for the arrival of the booked limo.
Multiple Payment Options
You may never know the mode by which your user might be comfortable to pay for the limo ride. Hence, your app must support multiple payment options to nullify this risk supported with currency exchange features too.
Advanced Security
You must give priority to the privacy of your users’ data for which your app must support end-to-end encryption and secured payment gateways. You must ensure that by no means your users ever feel that their data is not secured.
Notifications and Alerts
Starting from the arrival of a booked limo up to the payment receipt, everything must get notified to the user via SMS or email, or both. Push alerts can also be a nice method to intimate your users about limos and offer you like to create for them.
Related Read: How To Beat Uber With Your Limo Booking Software
Limo Chauffeurs App
Chauffers or drivers of luxury cars like limo can now manage the upcoming bookings and give their users a smoother and luxurious ride. Check out the amazing features of the limo chauffeurs app:
Easy Trip Control
Your limo chauffeur must be able to start and end the ride on one tap with ease. This will also help users to know about the ETA of the limo at their pickup and the time by which they reach their destination.
Trip information
You must ensure that the chauffeur app records all details of the trips covered. The records must include the fare details, time of ride, and details of the route taken by the chauffeur to complete the trip.
Booking Management
Your chauffeurs must have the flexibility to accept or reject booking orders based on their current availability or other factors related to traffic or route. The booking management feature helps chauffeurs to have control over this.
Revenue Management
Your chauffeur app must have the provision of an e-wallet by which they can manage their income and transfer their earnings to their bank accounts. This feature can also be implemented in granting them incentives and receiving tips from users.
Review and ratings
This feature allows users to review and rate chauffeurs according to their performance. Chauffeurs should also have the provision of rating their customers likewise so that your chauffeur community can get a knowledge of the riding tendency and authenticity of the user.
Limo Admin Panel
This unique app is just made for the app owners or the admins who can manage both the user and driver app. Here are some of the latest features of limo admin panel:
Interactive Dashboard
The admin panel must be equipped with an interactive and intuitive dashboard. It must provide you with all the data and analytics by which you can monitor and judge your business progress and performance.
Chauffeur Management
Your app must provide you with the flexibility to monitor your chauffeur anytime during their duty hours. It should have the functionality to show you their location and trip details whenever you wish to know.
User Management
You should be able to add new users, block unwanted users, or scan through user details in any case of emergency. Your limo rental app must provide you with these options with ease and convenience.
Revenue Management
The dashboard of your app must show your income and expenses. Just like the chauffeur app, your accounts should also be backed up with an e-wallet from which you can transfer your earnings to your bank account.
Coupon and Promotion Management
You must pamper your customers with seasonal offers or promotional coupons. Your limo rental app must be able to help you in circulating your offer schemes to all your users.
Above are the most basic features which are mandatory for your app. This was just to provide you with a brief idea as to how the features are going to support your idea. You can embed as many features you want in your limo software to make it a replica of your unique limo business idea.
Related Read: The Complete Guide For Your Limo Software
How To Make Your Limo Rental App Earn Revenue?
Your limo software will not be worthy unless it starts generating the revenue with whose projection you started the business. In the competitive market where sharks like Uber and Lyft have already made their presence felt, it is very tough to move on smoothly. You need some uniqueness in the mode of conveying your business.
Hire Proactive chauffeurs
Hire chauffeurs who know their task well and maintain a professional attitude. Customer satisfaction is one of the major keys to business success. If your customers are getting proper service and behavior, it will be your limo they will always try to book for their ride.
Maximize Promotions
You should never forget that your limo rental app is a digital product and promoting it over the internet is very easy. Use this convenience to promote your app on all your social media networks or hire some digital marketing agency. Online branding will surely make your app popular.
Provide multiple languages and currency support
As language and currency categorize and divides a crowd into groups, your capability of getting a bit versatile can catch them up all. You must be able to accept multiple currencies and support multiple languages over your app. If you get famous amongst tourists, who need linguistic and currency support the most, you will get a seasoned list of paymasters.
Use Cross-Platform Tech
You never know about the device your user owns to use your app, which can be an android or iOS device. Cross-platform app development allows your app to be accessed from any and all devices boundless of any specification. This will help you gain access to a maximum number of prospective users resulting in greater revenue.
Get Set Go With Your Limo App Today
This article will act as your brief guide in the process of limo app development in all major aspects of ideation, planning, technical stages, and growth hacking. Till now you must have understood that limo software development can never be tough if you have a unique idea and an expert development team.
Your investment, business idea, and model and its revenue earning potential depend completely on the features and functionalities of your app. That is the reason why you should get your limo booking app developed only by professionals. AllRide limo booking app development experts are always ready to take your limo business to the next level. Book your FREE consultation session today!
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